Sunday, February 21, 2010


Last week was a woundful (I think I just made up that word) week for our little man.  On Monday, he got bit at daycare.  On Tuesday, he jumped off a chair and landed on his head which resulted in a big goose egg.  On Wednesday, he had a big scratch on his cheek when I picked him up.  It turns out he was holding hands with his friend, Ava, and he walked right into a shelf.  He's already distracted by pretty girls at the young age of two!  Here is the shiner a few days later. 

It's in that brown/green stage now, but I know this is only the beginning.  Boys seem to attract scratches, bumps and bruises.  We just hope the injuries stay this simple.  And daycare did offer to wrap him in bubble wrap... I think I'll save that for when he starts playing tackle football, or gets his driver's license! 

I love that, for now, mommy's kisses fix most owies.


  1. yikes! Poor Lucas! He'll be one tough cookie by the time he's a wrestler...and the girls will love the scratches & scars. ;)

  2. More reasons for me to wrap in bubble wrap!!
