Thursday, February 4, 2010

First dentist visit

Lucas had a successful first visit to the dentist.  Fortunately, Dr. Anderson is a dear family friend and Lucas really didn't have any issues letting her investigate.  Plus we'd been hyping it up that Sara was going to brush and count his teeth.  He did great!  I hope Lucas inherited Brent's no-cavity history because I have had a mouthful lots of cavities (it's not my fault - it's the sweets). 

Lucas sat on Brent's lap in the big chair and Brent forbid me from taking pictures, so I had to wait until we were all done.  A sticker and toy from the toy chest go a long way with a two year old. 

Showing off his pearly-whites:

1 comment:

  1. Yah for Lucas! I blame my cavities on growing up on a farm...which would also work for you, but Brent still came out o.k. so I have no excuse. But happy to hear Lucas had a great time:-)
