Monday, January 31, 2011


I thought something was missing, I wonder if Teresa will notice? That's what she gets for leaving the blog editor screen open on the computer...

Thanks everyone for visiting.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Because everyone asks...

Does Hannah look like Lucas?



What do you think?

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Yes, I'm writing about boots, again. We are a family of boot-wearers, so it was only appropriate that Hannah get her first pair at less than two weeks old. Brent went shopping and just couldn't resist. Although, this is one pink purchase I thought was a definite necessity.
Lucas was excited to show them to her.

As you can tell, she was thrilled. :)
She has some room to grow into them, too.

Not to be left out, Daddy got Lucas a new pair, too.

This all started when Brent was actually shopping for new boots for himself. Three out of four people in our family got new boots. Tender-hearted Lucas was beside himself that Mommy didn't get new boots. He started to cry and told me he would go shopping with me so I could get new pink boots, too.

It's a date, Lucas. I look forward to it.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Uncle Brian came for a visit, except it wasn't by car or truck... it was by snowmobile. Lucas was excited to get a ride on it.

They didn't go very far, or very fast, but Lucas had fun. Thanks, Uncle Brian!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm published!

I've always enjoyed writing and even considered the journalism world as a career option. At some point many years ago I thought it would be neat to have something published. But what on earth would I have to say that would be worth publishing? Then this little blog came along... I don't think it would fit into any mainstream genre -- mystery, fantasy, western, romance, science fiction or humor... maybe just plain ol' non-fiction.

I published the first year of "A Perry Tale" into a book. Now we have a hard copy of every entry, every picture and every comment that visitors have left. I will treasure this book forever and hope our children, grandchildren and so on can enjoy the family stories.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Settling in at home

Daddy bought Hannah a very stylish outfit to come home in - brown and pink polka-dot pants and a pink cardigan. The onesie underneath said "I love Daddy." We picked up Lucas at Gramma & Papa's house and headed home to settle in.

Since then, there has been a lot of this:

and this:

and an occasional one of these:

*For the record, I nap way more than Brent, but the sleepless nights are being shared by both of us!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Big brother is watching

When Lucas went to Big Brother class at the hospital, they took a picture of each child and printed them for the parent's to pack in our suitcase for the hospital. The purpose was to put the picture in the baby's bassinet at the hospital; to "introduce" the baby to their sibling.

While I didn't have my suitcase packed for a few weeks (okay, about two days before we went to the hospital) I immediately packed that picture. I also put it into Hannah's bassinet at the hospital as soon as I could.

Since we've been home, when Hannah cries, Lucas comes running and pats her gently on the head and says, "it's okay, big brother here."

Or, he'll scramble to find a pacifier (which she doesn't even really love) and come running to the rescue saying, "it's okay, big brother here," while trying to shove it into her mouth.

I hope he always protects her as much as he does now.

Meet Lola.

You remember hearing about baby Lola, right?

When Lucas got to the hospital to meet Hannah, he had a very special gift waiting for him. His very own baby. He never hesitated when we asked what he would name her.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Daddy went shopping

The day after Hannah was born, Brent went shopping. This was only the pile he brought into the hospital -- there were more shopping bags in the tahoe!!!

She's already got him wrapped around her itty-bitty fingers.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's a girl!

Hannah Marie Perry was born at 6:11 pm on Thursday, January 6, 2011. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20 inches long.

The night before going to the hospital; 40 weeks, 3 days.

Our family of four. We are so blessed!

The proud big brother.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Smile :)

I got braces on my teeth the week of my 30th birthday. Quite the present to myself, huh?  It was my choice - I've always wished I had straight teeth for a bigger, brighter smile. Brent never even blinked, just encouraged me to do what would make me happy.  My orthodontist told me I would probably have them on for two years... that seemed like an eternity!

The first week of having them on was interesting; I was very self-conscious and had to adjust to talking, smiling and eating. I laugh when I see pictures of my murder-mystery/costume birthday party because I hadn't quite figured out all this extra "stuff" in my mouth.

As time went on, I got used to it.  I admit that I was a little obsessive-compulsive about brushing and flossing, although definitely not bad habits.  I think I can safely say that I was a favorite patient at the Orthodontist office... I brushed, I flossed, I wore my rubber bands religiously, I showed up for appointments. 

One funny experience came at church.  We were visiting my parent's house and had gone to church with them.  I had forgotten to take off my rubber bands before church, and once there, I didn't want to fiddle with it in the middle of mass.  I held Lucas' hand as we walked up for communion and when I placed my hands out to receive the Eucharist, I picked it up and popped it in my mouth.  Well, I should say I tried to pop it into my mouth.  The rubber bands restricted the "open space" I could shove anything into, including the Eucharist!  It bounced off my rubber bands and landed on Lucas' head, which I instantly grabbed with both hands.  I'm glad my reflexes responded so quickly!  I have no idea if anyone saw it, but if they did it was sure to give them a chuckle. 

It all paid off big when I got them off after just 13 months.  Woohoo! 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas, part 3

At 39 weeks pregnant, I wasn't allowed to travel far for Christmas.  Thankfully, my family obliged and we switched things up for the holidays.  We celebrated on the 26th at Brian & Jen's house.  Yes, there were lots of presents and good food, but instead of another dozen photos of opening gifts, I thought I'd share pics of the cousins... the kids all had such a great time playing together. 

Will (18 months)

Lucas (3)

Abby (9)

Claire (almost 5)

Adele (8)

Caleb (10) and Nick (6 1/2)

Papa Richard and Gramma Mary with the whole bunch... although this will be out of date very soon.