Friday, October 22, 2010

Baby #2 update

I'm just about 30 weeks along and everything is going well with the pregnancy. Baby is growing well and I'm feeling great.

Ultrasound pictures at 28 weeks.

This picture is funny because there are a lot of body parts viewable!  The baby has one leg bent way up by it's head and the other stretched out.  He/she must be flexible!

Lucas continues to talk about the baby... he still thinks he has one in his tummy, too.  I've tried to get him to feel the baby kick (the one in my tummy, not his), but he isn't patient enough to wait for it.  He does like to tell the baby "hi" and give my belly nice hugs.  Up until about three weeks ago he has gone back and forth about whether the baby is a sister or brother.  However, now it is a different story.

"Lucas, are you going to have a baby sister or baby brother?"
"Baby sister."
"What will her name be?

Every time this conversation happens, it is very matter-of-fact and he has not changed his tune for three weeks.  Lola is a perfectly fine name, but it won't be this baby's name.  We've had several people ask if we are Barry Manilow fans.  :) 

We haven't decided on a boy or girl name for baby... or even a top five.  We have plenty of time... right?

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! The ultrasound pics are great! I can't wait to meet Lola. I, of course, went straight to The Kinks song on that one. One of several reasons you shouldn't name the baby Lola : ) Heart your face.
