Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

::Hannah at 4 months::

Our latest visit to Yarrow Photography...

You can see more of Hannah's cute, cute photos by clicking here

I'm way behind... yes, Hannah is over six months old now!  She has so much more hair than she did in these pictures.  Plus, she is a master sitter-upper and [isthisclose] to crawling.  She loves her tongue and shows it off to everyone :)  Everything goes straight to her mouth.  If you grab her hands for any reason, she immediately uses them as leverage to pull herself up and stand.  This girl doesn't want to miss anything!  At Hannah's six month check up she weighed 16 pounds 3 ounces and was 26 inches tall; 50th percentile for both.  She's just perfect!

Monday, July 18, 2011


We took Lucas and Hannah on a "surprise" trip.  We didn't tell them anything about where we were going, just that it was a surprise trip.  Lucas loved the anticipation!  We went to the Antique Carousel in Story City.  I thought we could all ride, but once I went with Lucas the first time I realized it wouldn't be a good idea for Hannah.  Brent and I were both surprised at how fast the carousel went.  We each rode with Lucas several times as he rode the horses, the pig, the dog, the rooster and in the booth seat.  The Carousel is located at a park, so we enjoyed playing there, too.  Then we went to Ames for pizza and ice cream.

Fun for all and a great surprise!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

fishin' for real

The first time Brent took Lucas fishing there were no bites.  Lucas was patient and enjoyed it, looking forward to going again.  The second time, we went to Marc's pond and boy, was it a success!

The fish were hungry for worms!  I don't think Lucas went more than two minutes with a cast out before getting a bite.  He loved it!  He asked why we were throwing the fish back in the water and not going to eat them for supper.  :)

Hannah was pretty content to sit and watch. Of course, there was some entertainment from Brother.

I could watch these two play for hours.  She L.O.V.E.S. her brother and he L.O.V.E.S. her!  Do you think it will last?  

Friday, July 15, 2011

the two of them

dressed up from church ... a beautiful sunny day so I thought I'd take a shot... or twenty.

The Very Hairy Caterpillar

We made this very hairy caterpillar at family fun night at daycare a month or so ago.

It was fun and easy!  Lucas loved checking on it and watering it. 

Here are the directions for your own hairy caterpillar:


4 cups potting soil
4 tablespoons quick-sprouting grass seed (we used ryegrass seed)
Small yogurt container or paper cup
Knee-high nylon stocking
Colorful ponytail holders
Plastic bag

Bobby pin
Googly eyes
Pipe cleaner
Small pom-poms


1. Combine the potting soil and grass seed in a large bowl.
2. Cut the bottom from a small yogurt container or paper cup for a funnel, then slide a knee-high nylon stocking over it.
3. Pour or spoon 3⁄4 to 1 cup of the soil mixture into the stocking, then slide a colorful ponytail holder over the end of the stocking to section off the pocket of soil. Repeat this process to make 5 soil-filled segments. Tie a knot in the top of the stocking and trim away any excess nylon.

4. Submerge the caterpillar in water for 10 minutes, then place it in a plastic bag and let it sit overnight.

5. Remove the bag and loop a semi-straightened bobby pin through the front of the stocking, then glue a googly eye onto each end of the pin. For antennae, cut a pipe cleaner in half, glue a small pom-pom onto one end of each half, and stick them in place.

6. Set your caterpillar on a plate by a sunny window* and generously water the whole thing every other day. Your critter should sprout hair in about 4 to 5 days.

*We put ours outside and he gots lots of sunlight!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fair prep

I've been putting in a lot longer and out-of-the-ordinary hours lately.  This has not gone unnoticed by the 3 1/2 year old at our house.  He wants to know where I've been and what I've been doing.  Simply put, I tell him I am working on getting ready for the fair.  He gets that.  He wants to know when it will be time for the fair.  Remember, he doesn't really have a concept of days or weeks; we just say "soon." 

Waking him up the other day, deep from his slumber he grumbles (eyes still shut and body curled up), "Is it fair day today?" 
"No buddy, not today."
"Yes, soon." 

One of his favorite phrases lately is "I have a great idea" or "Isn't that a great idea?"  I try to say something during the waking up process that grabs his attention and makes him forget about being tired, "Lucas, I have a great idea."
"When you and Hannah and Daddy come to the fair, will you show Hannah all of the animals?"
"Yeah!  That's a great idea."

I, of course, love that Lucas is so excited about the fair.  I hope Hannah loves it, too.  It will be here "soon."  And I will be absent from blogging...