Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm ba-ack!

Brent and I had a relaxing, rejuvenating, fantastically warm and sunny vacation.  Most of my views for the week were this:
And I also saw the back of my eyelids a lot, but that would be difficult to take a picture of.  :)  I will share more once we get settled back into reality.

We both really, really, REALLY missed this:
But we brought him presents, so he hasn't held it against us.  In fact, he had so much fun with Papa and Gramma, I'm not sure he noticed we were gone.  I was glad to do this when we got home:

*Notice my nice golden tan?

1 comment:

  1. I hate you a little. Just a little. But I hate you.

    I hate that you're tan and I am pale and ghostly.

    I hate you a little.
