Monday, February 15, 2010

Recent conversations with Lucas

[Brent is putting honey on a biscuit.]
Lucas: Honey!
Brent: Do you know where honey comes from?
Lucas: Bees!

[Brent and I exchange looks of awe and astonishment.  This is the first time in months the honey bottle has been out of the cupboard.  How does he know that?!?!]

Me: How do you know that bees make honey?
Lucas: Papa.

A follow-up phone call confirms that Papa and Lucas watched a tv show about bees making honey. Boy, he was really paying attention – that was three weeks ago!


If one of us coughs, Lucas imitates it. If we sneeze, he imitates. Driving yesterday, there was a sneeze. This is what followed:

Lucas: aa-choo!
Me: Oh, bless you! Do you have the sneezes?
Lucas: aa-choo! Key-nex peeze.

[Remember, these are fake sneezes. But I looked for a Kleenex and couldn’t find anything in the truck, not even a napkin.]

Me: Sorry, bud, I can’t find a Kleenex.

Then, there was some whining and I remembered the diapers wipes, so I gave him one of those. Ah, the smile of a child - you would have thought he won a lifetime supply of suckers as he wiped away the imaginary boogers.

1 comment:

  1. uh-oh! Now you have to pay attention to what you watch in front of the little man! :)
