Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter basket goodies!

There has been a lot of hula hooping at our house.  Lucas loves it!
In case you are wondering, Brent and I are not good at it. 
Hannah puts it over her head then claps. 

Our Easter blessings. 

Lucas, Cameron, Gramma Connie and Hannah.

Cameron and Uncle Brad.

Giggles from Hannah and Great Pa.

Hannah found an egg!

Adele, Abby, Nick, Caleb, Claire
Lucas, Will, Hannah

There were lots of eggs with candy in them but 60 of them had puzzle pieces.


All the Feldpausch cousins on the slide - from oldest to youngest. 
Hannah was a tease!  As Caleb was trying to hold six of his cousins on the slide, Hannah was at the top giggling and waiting...

She finally went down and Caleb couldn't hold them any longer.

Uncle Brian blowing bubbles.

How cute is Will with Hannah?

Nick and the Farty Party he got from Connie. It's like silly putty but more gooey. 
Everytime you put your hands in the container it sounds like... well, it sounds like a farty party. 
Caleb and Nick loved it!

Airplane!  Lucas and Abby.

We love hosting Easter and having our families celebrate with us. 
It has become a great tradition.

1 comment:

  1. How fun that you can have all from both sides!!! What a special day! PS- pretty sure Campbell has the same Keens and Gap flower tee as Hannah! : )
