I've renamed the Feldpausch family vacation to the Cousin's Vacation. The greatest part of the vacation is the kids getting to play with their cousins, so it is a fitting new name. They have so much fun together and look forward to it for weeks beforehand. This year's trip was in July (I'm behind on my blogging!) and the destination was Minnesota.
Abby, Claire, Adele and Lucas.
Nick, Caleb, Will and Lucas.
We spent one day at the Mall of America.
Woody, the life-size Lego structure, and Lucas.
Will was very excited to see Woody.
Then the girls went here...
We had lunch at the American Girl Bistro. So cute! The girls, and their dolls, loved it.
Ironically, about two weeks before we went on Counsin's Vacation Hannah received a gift from Marv and Rosemary - her very own American Girl doll, Bitty Baby, and a stroller. I couldn't resist buying Bitty Baby some new outfits and accessories. It will be awhile before Hannah plays with her, but it sure was fun to shop for her.
The boys went to a boy-like place for lunch that didn't include dolls. :-) Then we all met back together and the kids enjoyed the amusement rides. 

Lucas and Nick drove the Big Rig together.
What a serious bumper car driver!
He loved crashing!
Hannah was, as usual, a good sport to be strolled around while the big kids had their fun.
She is actually starting a yawn - she must not have been very impressed. Look at Lucas' happy face!
We spent most of the time at the water park.
Get ready water...
...here he comes!
Again! Again!
Lucas, Will and Claire watching a cartoon together.
The funny thing about this picture is that Nick and Caleb were in our room... so neither of them were actually going to sleep in this bed. They just crawled in and got comfy to watch America's Funniest Home Videos. Love it!
Adele with Felicity and Abby with Kit, and their newly purchased doll clothes.
Nick (6), Caleb (10), Will (2), Lucas (3), Abby (9)
Adele, (8), Hannah (6 months), Claire (5)
Can't wait until next year!
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