Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Baby Perry #2 ultrasound

We had the baby's ultrasound and no, we don't know what we're having. We don't want to know.  Actually, I don't want to know... Brent would find out if I was willing.  We are so happy everything looks healthy and baby is growing well. 

When we showed Lucas this picture, I said, "Look, the baby is waving at you."  He smiled a huge grin and started waving back, saying "Hi, baby."

Lucas is excited to be a big brother.  He knows the baby is in my tummy, but he thinks he has one in his tummy, too.  He'll even lift up his shirt and show you his belly (which I do not do).  He even talks about sharing his tractors with the baby.  If that's not love, I don't know what is! 

He outgrew {yet another} pair of boots.  I got new ones and he wants to keep the old ones for his baby brother.  His baby sister gets his red boots.  I wonder how many babies he thinks we are having?!?!


  1. So glad everything is looking good! Lucas has no idea how much his life is about to change! I say this as our kids are chasing eachother down the hall trying to pinch... fun, fun!

  2. Congrats on baby #2! Hope you are doing well!
