Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hannah = 2

Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet Hannah! 
Today is your birthday... it is hard to imagine life before you arrived.  You have brought so much fun and laughter to our lives!  You've also brought lots of pink, an enormous amount of baby dolls and blankets, hair pretties and shoes.
You have a cheesy grin that can make me change my whole mood.  That's a good thing because sometimes you are so full of energy, life and smarts that I need an attitude adjustment.  You are an adventurer and have lived up to every bit of "keeping up with your big brother."  About a month ago you dialed up Aunt Ann on the iPad while I was in the shower.  I was surprised, but not as surprised as Aunt Ann was (seven hours ahead of our time zone).
You've been very sick the last few days and while Daddy and I have enjoyed the cuddling that you are usually not very interested in (you are much to busy), we pray that you are on the mend and back to your busy self. 
We are thankful and so blessed to have you in our family. 
Happy Birthday!





  1. Happy Birthday, Hannah! We hope you had a fun day celebrating and feel better soon!
