Friday, June 1, 2012

like mother, like daughter

Molley was babysitting a while back and texted me a picture of Miss H. 

She loves to put on everyone else's shoes.  And obviously she doesn't go far without a pacifier.  Or multiple pacifiers.  Someday she will probably be mortified! 

I started thinking that there was a picture of me about the same age with just a diaper on.  I started digging and found a couple that made me realize just how much Hannah looks like me!  But I didn't find one of me with just my diaper and boots. 

My one year ... officially, with my mom's handwriting. 

Me and my oldest sis, Ann.

Look at that nose, mouth and cheeks!!!


  1. Oh, My Goodness... A spittin' image!!! You're both adorable!

  2. ok! The picture of you and Ann seals the deal!
