Monday, October 24, 2011

jack o' lantern jugs

I got this idea from Making Memories with Your Kids blog.  We do drink a lot of milk, but I was too impatient to wait until I had enough milk jugs, so I asked a couple of friends to donate to my cause.  I drew the faces on four of them and colored them in.  Lucas told me how to draw the face on his and I gave him a permanent marker to color it in.  Yes, I really did.

I cut holes in the back for the lights and quizzed Brent on how to connect them and keep them from blowing away.  Afterall, this is Iowa and the wind blows things away.  Brent just loves it when I dream up a craft project and it needs his help {there is a LOT of sarcasm in that sentence}.  He smiled and fixed it right up for us.  I plugged the lights into a timer so at dusk the jack-o-lantern jugs turn on.  Lucas has to check on them almost every night to make sure they are lit up. 

Fun, easy and free. 

Lucas' jack o'lantern jug.


  1. Super cute! What an easy craft.

  2. did you spray paint them orange first?? or use orange lights?

  3. Just orange string lights. The milk cartons are the original white.
