Saturday, August 13, 2011

State Fair 2011

We didn't miss our annual visit to the Iowa State Fair.  I did, however, forget my camera, so these are pictures from my phone. 

Lucas was so excited to go to Little Hands on the Farm.  Tucking him into bed the night before we went, he held up his hands and asked "are these little?"  Yes, I said, your hands are little.  "Not mommy's."  Nope, mommy just took pictures and didn't get to participate. 
Planting his tomato plant. 

Before he stuck his hand in the nesting box he asked if the chickens were real.  He thought they would peck him. 

He exchanged his soybeans for soy diesel to "fuel" his tractor. 

Milking Bessie.

In celebration of the Butter Cow's 100th Anniversary at the Iowa State Fair, there were mini cows all over the fairgrounds.  Businesses and groups got to paint the cow however they wanted.  When I saw Pioneer's cow at the Little Hands on the Farm, I knew I had to have a picture for these Pioneer-brand kids. 

Take 1:  Hannah picking grass and attempting to eat it; Lucas telling her she can't eat grass.

Take 2:  Successful. 

This is what Hannah thought of most of the fair.  She was so entertained!  After all, a great time passer at the fair is people watching. 

Lucas and I rode on the Ye Old Mill.  He loved the boat and water but there are severa small stretches inside that are totally dark and he did not love that. 

It wouldn't be the fair without having some tasty food. 

We started the morning with JR mini donuts.  This was the longest line we had all day for food, but it was worth it.  Lucas ate most of the donuts... then turned in his profit from the Farmer's Market at Little Hands on the Farm for a banana.  Then he ate a pork chop on a stick... next was a corndog.  The last taste was a roast beef sandwich from the Cattlemen's. 

We wanted ice cream from the dairy barn but the line was too long and the kids were too tired.  Speaking of tired kids - as we were leaving the fairgrounds, Lucas was getting really sleepy.  We took the sit and stand stroller (so Lucas can walk with us, sit and ride on the stroller, or stand and ride - he really likes it).  We are headed up a hill (there seem to be a lot of those when you are pushing 60+ pounds) and he starts to doze off.  You know the dozing... eyes closed, head starts to bob up and down but you startle yourself awake...  yep, that was what he was doing except he wasn't buckled into the stroller and we are headed up hill at an angle.  Every time he bobbed his head I thought he was going to fall out.  Brent carried him the rest of the way and he slept until we were about ten minutes from home.  The Fair pooped him out!

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