Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lucas says...

One of Lucas' favorite pastimes on the road is I Spy.  Hearing him say it always makes me smile - it's too cute.  "I spy with my widdle eye, sometin green."  When we guess he gets so excited for us to get it correct!  Then it's my turn, or dad's turn and he loves to keep track of who's turn is next. 

Lucas is really into time, too.  "What time is it, mom?"  I usually have a watch on, so I look at my wrist and tell him.  Then he always says, "What does that mean?"  I come up with something general that relates... "that means supper is in a little bit" or "that means it's time to take a bath."  If I don't have my watch on and he asks, he wants to know why I know the time without looking at my wrist!  :)

At things that he doesn't want to do because he might be {is} scared  of, "I'm too big for that."  Such as large amusement park rides or swimming pool diving boards.

Lucas has a classmate named Viet [pronounced like neat, with a V).  In a car ride, I said that Daddy was talking funny and Lucas said, "Like Viet's Dad?"  Viet is Chinese and his dad speaks Chinese and English but his English doesn't sound quite as clear as Lucas is used to. 

Gramma Connie gave Hannah a stuffed lamb that has ability to record a song.  Gramma sang and recorded "Jesus Loves Me."  Lucas was playing with Lightning McQueen when Hannah was playing with her lamb.  After listening to the song play Lucas asked, "Does Jesus love Lightning McQueen, too?"

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