Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Who's the boss?

No, I'm not talking about one of my fave sitcoms from growing up. 

Although, I could... I love that show!  Maybe that is an idea for a future post... some of my favorites from my childhood. 

Anyway, I'm referring to the conversation I had with Lucas last night.  He is not a naughty boy, but he is getting so independent!  Sometimes, when I tell him no, or ask him to do something he just continues to do it his way.  Last night before bed, I stripped him down and he went to the potty.  I wanted him to get his pajamas on and he insisted he wash his hands first.  (I do appreciate his likeness of good hygiene.)  After he washed his hands, Mr. Naked started asking for ice cream.  (Daddy had promised earlier).  I told him no ice cream until he had his pajamas on, then he stuck out that bottom lip and started to whine.  Then the conversation went to this:

Me:  Lucas, who is the boss?
Lucas:  Me!
Me:  No, you aren't the boss.
Lucas:  Me boss! 
Me:  Lucas, mommy and daddy are the boss.
Lucas:  Mommy is the boss!
Me:  That's right!  Now, let's go tell daddy who is boss.

... Brent didn't think it was as funny as I did.  :) 

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