Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter greetings!

Lucas made bunny ears at the library during Toddler Time last week. Do you see all of the stickers on his shirt? He got 14 stickers for wearing big-boy underpants and going potty all day. Woohoo!

Rotary hosted their annual Easter Egg Hunt and we couldn't miss it.  Daddy is a Rotary member, so he got to help the Easter Bunny hide the eggs.  There was no shortage of candy. 

Ava was there, too!  These two had a ball picking up candy. 

Lucas was excited the Easter Bunny left a trail of candy to his basket.  Oh my, more candy!

This was our sixth time hosting Easter for both the Perry and Feldpausch families.  It is fun to host and we love having everyone!  All the cousins came to celebrate Easter and have our annual agg hunt.  They are showing off their golden eggs.

Wait for me!

Will skipped the egg hunt and outside play for a warm, snuggly nap.

We celebrated April birthdays - there are a lot: Papa Steve, Will, Daddy, Michelle, Ann, Brian P. 

Papa Steve and Gramma Connie gave Lucas a big wheel for Easter.  Before riding, you must first make sure you have your tools. 

What a great day!  Lucas skipped a nap.  (Really, how could he miss the fun?)  I finally brought him inside (which he was not happy about) at 6:30pm.  He was asleep at 6:40pm and slept all night; he was well rested this morning. 


  1. Love all the pictures from Easter, T! All the cousin pics are so fun. We had a egg hunt on the farm and then lots of hide and seek with the grandkids this weekend. The one of Lucas and "Papa Richard" is particularly sweet:-)

  2. I know - isn't that a great picture of my dad and Lucas? Sounds like you had a great Easter, too!
