This picture - sitting on our deck on a beautiful summer night, enjoying an ice cream treat after a day of pure fun - made me think of ------

this picture:
This reminder couldn't be more true. Another baby blessing will join us any day now. Any day. I remember how "grown up" Lucas looked when he came to meet Hannah at the hospital. Lately, I've noticed Hannah seems so much taller. Surely she will "grow up" even more between the time I leave for the hospital and when she comes to meet the baby.
Knowing that our family of four will soon be a family of five and wondering how the dynamics will change, I have been paying attention to their faces, their personalities. Lucas likes to be responsible; he knows that it pleases Dad and I when he is a good helper. He likes to water the flowers, set the table, help Hannah and is always protecting her. He suggested we walk to Great Grandma's the other night to check on the green beans he helped Aunt Susan and Aunt Joan plant. He loves to learn about things that are growing, new places and history. He sat on Great Grandma's patio and told her all about swimming lessons. Such a conversationalist. Hannah, too, likes to be a helper. She wants to watch everything I do in the kitchen and is never too far away from me. I'm not suggesting her listening skills couldn't be sharpened a bit, but she is a good toy-picker-upper when asked. She, too, loves to talk. It makes me laugh that sometimes she talks so fast that no one (but me) can figure out what she's saying -- that's a benefit to being with my kiddos all the time. She loves to swing on her playset and will ask to "go pway on my pwayset?" as early as 7AM somedays.
Sometimes there are long days. Too much fresh air and playing makes for tired kids. There have been melt downs, tears and frustration. From the kids and mama. But I wouldn't trade any of it for the blessings I get each day: smiles, laughs, hugs, kisses, cuddling.
We are so blessed; I never take that for granted.
We are all excited to meet Baby Perry #3. More smiles, laughs, hugs, kisses, cuddling.
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