Friday, May 11, 2012


It's been over four months since I started my new career.  In January, I became a stay at home mom.  I'm still waiting to see how the 'stay at home' part works.  :)  I'm not working full time but I've certainly been busy with the kids and other commitments.

In January and February, I spent a lot of time helping train my replacement as County Youth Coordinator.  I've been helping Brent at the office more and more.  I spent a lot of April doing contract facilitating for some educational programs.  Baking and decorating cakes has kept me busy, too.

I've noticed some differences in our household, but several things are still the same.  Brent and I have a lot less stress over scheduling - who is taking/picking up kids? Do I have a work meeting tonight? Do we need a babysitter? Who is staying home when the kids are sick?  I am more inclined to say "yes" to playing, snuggling and not rushing our time, building a fort, sitting and reading books to kids, etc.  Being more involved in Perry Ag Services makes me happy and Brent is glad to have help.  {A few weeks ago I was sitting in the office and he came in with a long list of things that needed to be done.  As I was checking things off he looked at me and said "I love you; I'm so glad you are here."  I'm glad, too.}  

While those are all positive differences, I will note that my house is not spotless, the laundry still piles up, the water bill has increased because I run the dishwasher all of the time {more time at home = more meals/dishes at home} and some nights I have no idea what we are going to eat for supper.

Some days, Lucas goes to work with me at Daddy's office. 
On this day, it was really cold and rainy - no outside play... instead it was toys, snacks and the Ipad in the office. 
Hannah isn't as easy to keep out of trouble and keep safe; she goes to daycare.
{By the way, I convinced Brent to buy those foam squares four and a half years ago and he thought we'd never use them.  We've gotten our money out of them!}

Teaching about corn and soybeans at the high school FFA Ag Awareness Day. 
I've spent about twenty days teaching the Entrepreneur 4 a Day program with fifth graders in five school districts this spring. 
I love that I can still use my teaching/speaking skills for good purposes.

Saying yes when Lucas asks... the best feeling.
Playing Candy Land with Lucas, Sammy and Piggy {look closely - there are four Candy Land people playing}.

Enjoying smiles, kisses, hugs, sticky fingers, dirty diapers, new words and accomplishments. 

The decision to leave a job that I loved and brought me a lot of satisfaction was not taken lightly.  The topic was discussed over and over at our house for months before I took the plunge.  I'm so very thankful that I have the ability to make this choice; I know not everyone gets to decide.  I miss my co-workers and some of the wonderful 4-H'ers and families I've gotten to know.  However, there has not been one day that I have wished I was at work at not with Lucas and Hannah.  Every day is a gift and I'm happy our family has a lighter load because of this decision and I can spend precious time with our kiddos and partner.

So blessed.