Friday, February 10, 2012


There were no wrestlers in my family growing up.  My big brother was a fan of WWF on Sunday mornings.  The old-school WWF with wrestlers like Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and Macho Man Randy Savage.  There was usually some sort of experimenting with moves on the little sisters in the house, too.  That was my wrestling experience as a child. 

In high school, I only recall going to one wrestling meet.  My biology teacher was the head wrestling coach... I think he might have offered extra credit if we went to the meet.  I'm sure I socialized through the whole meet and probably didn't watch more than three minutes of the whole thing.

When Brent and I were dating, we attended a lot of Brian's high school athletic events and I learned a lot about football, wrestling and track & field.  I remember cringing at some of the wrestling moves thinking he was going to break a bone or become paralyzed by some of the twisting moves. 

Two years ago my nephew, Nick, started wrestling in the "little kid" tournaments. We went to a tournament locally and were proud of him for his effort to not get pinned. We went to the same local tournament a few weeks ago and he's come a long way in two years, considering his dad was the one who would jump off the couch for a "clothes line" move.  Nick won his grouping {okay, I still don't know all of the terminology}.  But it was really cool to see him pin TWO of his three matches!  Lucas was watching from the stands, cheering for him to "pin' em!" 

{photos are from my phone... very blurry.  sorry.}

The champion and his medal.

Lucas was in awe of the medal.
He asked Nick and Abby, "Will you come watch me wrestle in a couple of years?"

I see a lot more wrestling meets in my future... I think I'd better get a good cushion for the bleachers.  I look forward to it! 

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