Thursday, November 18, 2010

Covered walls

Lucas moved out of the crib and into a new room and new, big boy bed, in March.  He was 28 months old.  It was really no big deal and he has slept in the big boy bed ever since.  I spent quite a bit of time cleaning out what had been a a guest room in our house, but really turned into the "catchall" room.  We left the crib and all baby-related things in his old room with hopes that we would be blessed with another baby someday. 

My biggest dilemma in creating this room was that Lucas wouldn't always feel like a little boy in it.  I didn't want to overdo it with characters because interests change and I'm not that into themes.  But at the same time, I wanted a room that was about him. 

I had this vinyl wall piece made {very affordably} from a designer on Etsy.  I told her what I wanted it to say {all things that describe Lucas} and she whipped up some great designs.  This is the one I chose:

He is always proud {rightfully so} of his newest artwork and latest creativity from school.  When he first saw this he said {very excitedly} "My pictures!"  Definitely an easy way to display "his" stuff. 

*Sidenote: the first picture of his bed with only one stuffed animal on it is deceiving... he normally has at least ten stuffed animals in his bed.  Sometimes to the point you can't find him! 

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