Monday, July 26, 2010

Something wonderful

This was my fortune from dining at a Chinese restaurant with colleagues in April.  I put it in my pocket to bring home and show Brent.  Then I stuck it in my jewelry box and have seen it every day since.  It wasn't long before we knew it was right...

Lucas is going to be a big brother!

Baby Perry is due January 3, 2011.  We are thrilled and feel so blessed to add to our family!  Lucas likes telling people he will be a "big broder" and that mommy has a baby in her tummy.  He also thinks he has a baby is his tummy.  I have no idea what he will think when the baby arrives and actually lives with us.  He is such a helper, though, I know he will be a great big brother. 

He got a new shirt to tell the big news to our families.

We pray for a healthy baby and pregnancy!

1 comment:

  1. I was talking to him about this yesterday. I asked him if you were doing good and he said yes. I then asked him if you know what you are having, I expected him to say "a baby" but he looked at me and said "a sister!" Then we went back to "swimming" in the ocean and looking for sharks!
