Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another county fair

We recently spent the evening watching my niece and nephew show their bucket calves at their county fair. 
Nick and his calf, Fred.

Abby with her calf, Cyclone.

Abby, Nick and Lucas.

Nick took Lucas on a barn-by-barn tour.  I'm not sure who loved it more - Nick was in heaven in "his territory" and Lucas was equally in heaven seeing lots of animals!

Meanwhile, my other nieces and nephew in eastern Iowa had to cut their county fair short as the Lake Delhi Dam burst and flooded the fairgrounds. 
The circled white-roof buildings are the barns where animals were safely evacuated.
Photo from the Des Moines Register.

That rounds up our county fair tour for this year.  But alas, we will make our annual visit to the Iowa State Fair soon.

1 comment:

  1. a calf named Cyclone? Who would do such a thing to a cute little bovine? ;)
