Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My favorite part(s) of the day

Life moves a million miles an hour, the to-do lists get long, the stress adds up, yet there is so much to be thankful for. I can’t name just one favorite part of the day…

When Lucas wakes up in the morning and he wants to snuggle.  Or on a weekend when he wakes before we do and comes into our room with an armful of stuffed animals who need to crawl into bed with us.
Laughing at Lucas laughing.  His giggle is infectious.
When Lucas picks a book and reads to me. He's smart, but no, he isn't reading.  Although he changes his tone and it sounds like a story.
When we sing; the latest favorites are Old McDonald (he always picks a pig first), Wheels on the Bus and of course, the ABCs.
When I pick him up from daycare and he comes running to me for a hug , yelling “MOMMY!!!”
My daily dose of kisses from my husband.
At bedtime when we read books and he knows the words and says them along with.
When Brent puts Lucas to bed and I can hear them giggling together.
When I tuck him in and lean in for one more kiss and he reaches his little arms around my neck and says “I love you, mommy” before I even say it. melts.my.heart.

What's your favorite part of the day?

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