Friday, September 6, 2013

Perry family picnic

Smack in the middle of summer we had a great big Perry family picnic at Grandpa Perry's.  
Aunt Susan took 200+ photos that evening... if I posted them all it would be two weeks worth of blog posts!  Here are some of her great photos that captured the fun evening of catching up with family and enjoying the company.  

Four of the five Perry great grand babies born in 2013:
Jacob, Gadson, Cody and Ryan.  

Lucas and Audrey - two Perry great grand babies born two days apart in 2007!

Great Pa's doggy.

Cameron loves dogs!

Always taking care of a baby!

Great Pa, Brent holding Ryan, and Grandpa Steve.

Connie, Ryan and Teresa.

Ryan - 11 days old.

Lucas and Uncle Brian.

Brent and Ryan. 



Messy girl!

Missing a few that weren't partying with us - but the Perry grandkids and great grandkids.

Gramma Connie, Ryan and Grandpa Steve.

Gramma Connie, Ryan (11 days old), Cameron (2), Grandpa Steve, Hannah (2 1/2) and Lucas (5 1/2).

Uncle Brad and Hannah.

Tricia, Jacob, Gadson and Leah.


Leslee, Uncle Brian and Ryan.

Of course the ice cream machine was there! 

Lots of baseball!

This is an edited photo to add Miss Addyson.
All five of the Perry great grand babies for 2013.

What family gathering would be complete without the farmers checking the local crops?!?!

This hardly ever happens, but there is a photo of Aunt Susan - the family photographer!  
Thanks for sharing the photos, Aunt Su Su. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the photos. It was such a fun night spent with family!
    Aunt Susan
