Wednesday, November 16, 2011

how to eat ice cream

Both sides of Lucas' genes are ice cream lovers. 

I have memories of my dad stopping at the Tastee Freeze after a trip for parts or checking fence, or just an excuse.  Plus lots of nights at home with a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack. Maybe he gets his love for ice cream from Papa Richard.

Or maybe he gets it from his Great Pa, who owns a soft serve ice cream machine and serves the fresh yumminess at big family functions. 
Hard to say where he gets his taste buds, but Lucas certainly knows how to eat it.


  1. Recently while reminiscing with a friend she told me the Perry name was synonymous with Schwans! She babysat the "B Boys" many years ago!

  2. Brent won't let me buy any other kind of ice cream!
