Hannah's baptism was Sunday, February 20
th. She had a very pretty white dress to wear and the cutest pink shoes (that were too big for her
itty-bitty feet).

It was a very nice mass and lots of people who love her were there to celebrate with us.

Her Godparents are her Aunt Karen and Uncle Dominic.

Cousins picture: Lucas, Nick, Caleb, Abby holding Hannah, Claire, Adele, Will.

Grandma Connie and Papa Steve.

Grandma Mary and Papa Richard.
*Lucas wanted to know what all of the food was for and why we were having visitors, so we explained the special day to him and that he had a church party, too, when he was a baby. So Hannah's baptism day was referred to as her 'church party.'
I didn't see all the ruffles on the bum of her little tights! How adorable! Thanks for including us...Hannah is a precious gift from God, indeed!