Sunday, October 30, 2016


Today is my 37th birthday.

I got the privilege of sleeping in today, which is a pretty awesome gift.  I also received an excellent gift of perspective while sitting in church on this gorgeous fall day.  My life is wonderful.  I'm not bragging.  I'm feeling like I am blessed beyond deserving.  God created the most perfect husband for me in Brent.  The same good Lord gave us three little miracles to raise into adults.  My parents gave my siblings and I a great upbringing with wonderful memories and lessons on life.  My in-laws and family are such a wonderful blessing.  And our friends.  They are the ones who keep us in check.  When I'm having a bad day or one of our kids is struggling with something they are often the sounding board.  Their wisdom and faith will likely lift my mood and offer a strategy or story about their own parenting experiences.

I'm ending this birthday day with confidence and hope that the year ahead will be an amazing one.

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