Wednesday, April 6, 2011

when I'm not watching

Kids can do the sweetest things when no one is watching.  The other day Hannah was in her swing and Lucas was playing contently when I got in the shower.  When I got out of the shower, I could hear Hannah crying.  I was trying to get dried off and dressed quickly to go get her but she was quiet by then.  When I got to the living room Lucas was standing by her swing talking to her and she was watching him with amazement.  He is very kind and protective of Hannah.

Lucas never misses Hannah's bath time.  While giving her a bath on this same day, she started to fuss after getting wet and he insisted I get out another washcloth to lay across her and keep her warm.  {He gets his own washcloth to help wash her legs and feet.  One for me to do the real washing - that's three washcloths for a ten minute bath.}  Then he proceeded to tell her, "It's okay, you'll stay warm,"  he threw in a few "you're so cute!" comments and topped it off with "don't be scared, there's no monsters here." 

Other recent funny things he's said:
  • I got him a whole bunch of summer clothes and he looked at the pile and said, "Is 'Chelle (his favorite teacher from daycare) going to like these?" 
  • Saturday morning he told me he had a hole in his butt.  Umm???  Then he showed me he had a hole in the butt of his pajamas.  Not just any pajamas, but his Buzz Lightyear pajamas.  I told him I could fix them.  He asked how and I told him with thread and a needle.  He gasped, "Oh, mommy,"  then threw his arms around me, "thank you!"
  • The door bell rang Saturday morning and I a) didn't know who it was and b) suspected they were going to share their religious beliefs with me, so I didn't answer.  Lucas jumps up and says, "Mommy, your friends are here."  {I was expecting three girlfriends, but this was definitely not them}.  I told him we didn't know who they were and we don't open the door for strangers {I was trying to build a life lesson out of it, ha}  They rang the door bell a second time and again Lucas wanted me to open the door.  They placed a pamphlet in the door and left, eventually leaving our neighborhood, too.  Then I opened the door to let sunshine in.  :)

Hannah is loving sucking on and licking her hands and holding objects.  She is cooing and babbling up a storm and really enjoys carrying on a conversation of coos when being talked to.  She is always kicking her legs and swinging her arms.  She can get about half-over, so I think that rolling over is coming up on the checklist.  When she wakes in the morning it is usually with "talking" and not crying.  Hannnah likes sitting up in the Bumbo seat and hates when she can't see what is going on.  She has been pulling herself up when she lays down or is in her infant carrier - almost like she is doing crunches.  Those strong little legs can hold her up for a long stretches of time, too.  Hannah has been sleeping through the night for several weeks now.  Mommy and Daddy love it!

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