Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Laundry surprises

I find lots of interesting things in pockets when I do laundry.  I've found toothpicks, receipts, zip ties, pliers, pens, business cards, paper clips, tissues, screws/nails/bolts, pocket knives - oh, the list goes on!  And this is only in Brent's pockets! 

Once in a while, I get a nice $20 bill just for doing laundry. :-)  I have an ice cream bucket sitting on top of the dryer that I fill with my monetary goodies.  

Brent isn't the only boy in this house who fills his pockets with treasures.  I don't normally check Lucas' pockets but I know I need to start. More than once I've found some rocks in the bottom of the washing machine.  I'm pretty sure those weren't Brent's. 

The other day this was sticking out of Lucas' pocket...
It was a big piece of bark from a tree. 

Thankfully, none of his pocket treasures have been alive.  Yet.

{Look at that worn knee - I think we got our money's worth out of these jeans!}


  1. Welcome to the world of little boys' pockets! There have been many times I have laughed out loud from the things I find in the bottom of our washing machine!

  2. Can I do Brent's laundry?? And since Lucas is with Michelle most of the day I'm surprised he hasn't had something alive in his pocket...or maybe it crawled out in the car! haha

  3. There are many times I just smile thinking about how proud he is to "keep" something in his pocket.

    I have a feeling the tree bark came from an expedition with Michelle. :) Let's hope nothing is crawling around my tahoe!
